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Peripli - Penelope

Una volta rimasta sola
le ore e le isole, vuoto orizzonte
unica differenza di giorno in giorno
la foschia del prossimo vento


a nulla vale ripassare a memoria ogni gesto
scorrere il libro o la tela a occhi chiusi
passare le mani sulle pareti
per placarne la sete


tutte le sere, spento l’orizzonte
tastare il viso alla cieca
polpastrelli un tempo febbrili, adesso lenti
controllare le rughe o il sale dei capelli


e prima di andare a dormire
lisciate le gambe con la pomice
indossati i gioielli tra i riccioli
pronta, specchiarsi in una sorda ossidiana.


After she remained alone
the hours and the islands, empty horizon
the haze of the next wind
only difference between
a day and another.


It was vain to recall from memory every gesture
with closed eyes, to review the book or the texture
to pass the hands over the walls
trying to placate their droughts.


Every evening, after turning off the horizon
she blindy touched her face with passion
once feverish, now slow her tips of fingers
checking wrinkles or the salt of hair.


And before going to rest
with legs polished with pumice
with jewels worn among the curls
ready, she looked at herself
in a obsidian, dull.

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