Chocolatefall | erotismo V.M. 18 | Alessandro Moschini | Rosso Venexiano -Sito e blog per scrivere e pubblicare online poesie, racconti / condividere foto e grafica



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  • Gloria Fiorani
  • Antonio Spagnuolo
  • Gianluca Ceccato
  • Mariagrazia
  • Domenico Puleo


Hands in chains
and the sweet
warm liquid
flows on your back
and your breast.
I watch it running down
with satisfaction
while my desire for you
closes my stomach.
But the wait is exciting
a cake to be eaten
and tasted slowly
like your honey
mixed with the chocolate
now that both
reached my tongue
givin' to me
the flavour
of your moans.

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  • Antonio.T.
  • Ardoval